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Here are the main reasons boybands suck!

If we were to name all of the reasons that boybands suck, we would be here for weeks typing and you would be here for weeks reading. I don't think that any of us want that, so we will only give the most obvious reasons and most blatant offenses to coolness.

The most obvious reason why they suck is the way the "music" sounds. Sure some of them may be able to harmonize and hit notes correctly (semi-correctly), but the simple fact is that they do not sound good.

They suck also because of the way that they look. Have you ever noticed that there is always one boy in the group who looks like a monkey? There is a monkey in EVERY boy group. And other than the monkey, of course, are the other 4 members (because they always have 5 members). The other 4 are always ugly also, but luckily not as ugly as the monkey.

They suck because they don't write any of their music. All of their music is simple manufactured by well-paid songwriters who have nothing to do with the actual production of the music. The lyrics mean nothing at all to the 5 boys who sing them. This is the height of corporate bullshit that they would simply manufacture music that kids would want to buy. So that kids would want to buy all of the T-shirts and lunch boxes.

Which brings us to our next reason why boybands suck. Because they are nothing more than temporary whores to bring money to large record companies. When the first boy band came out, others started popping up left and right and the only reason was that the other record companies saw a good opportunity. 12 to 15 girls generally get a pretty hefty allowance now and that adds up to a lot of disposable income.

Boybands also suck because the members have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever. Sure, one or two of them may be able to sing, but rarely does the ability to sing well ever have anything to do with talent. Most of the time if a person is able to sing, it is something that he or she was born with and not something that must be practiced. They play no instruments, write no music, and are probably not even involved in the production until all of the music has been lain down and the producer is read to record the vocals.

Eric's opinions and thoughts on the Boys...

-AJ Really needs to stop it with the ugly hats. I'm serious. Its causing me emotional damage

- I know everyone Must be annoyed with Howie's winking. I know it. 'fess up. it annoys you..doesn't it??

-Can you see AJ with a tounge ring??? I sure can.


-Ah Ha!!! "God Must Have Spent (A Little More time on you) is NOT the longest song tittle! * Once again BSB has beat out N'sync w/ If You Want It To Be Good Girl, Get Yourself A Bad Boy.

-How much ya wanna bet Disney made some kinda agreement with AJ limiting what was "appropriate" for the concert?

-Does N'Sync's "Clean-Cut-perfect-little boy" image ever annoy you?? Sometimes I just wanna throw some mud at them so they won't be so dang clean

-It is sad because some peoples lives revolve around them

-What compels people to scream so much? When someone is 2 feet in front of you, YOU DON'T SCREAM!! Good Lord, how they keep their hearing...

-Don't you think its kind of odd that all the boys answer "yeah" when Nick asks 'Am I sexual?' It should be a bunch of 8-year-old girls screaming yeah...or the boys running to go ask Lance's opinion.
-You know, reading all the humor sites that I go to, you have to wonder, what would they think if they read this stuff? They'd probably freak out cuz they have such weird people for fans

-You know what annoys me? When you buy a CD and it has a damn little sticker on in that says 'Featuring the Hit Singles....' Then when you try to take the stuipd sticker off...it leaves this big ugly mark on your CD case. And good Lord...WE FREAKING KNOW THE DAMN SONGS ARE ON THE CD!!! WHY THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE BUYING IT?? what is with And amazingly enough, all the songs are listed on the back of the CD. But nooooooo we have to deal with the fuckin sticker!!!

-Its kinda stupid how critics say BSB use their looks to sell CDs. If that picture on the front cover didn't scare me off...I don't know what would've.

-You know, I read somewhere that AJ writes poetry...and I almost fell out of my chair laughing..just picture it...AJ sitting in a grassy field with the birds chirping while he writes a poem about how leopard print changed his life.

-Why does AJ always have to wear those frickin sunglasses?? I'm thinking x-ray vision...

-What is with Backstreet Boys day? And more importantly...why don't we get the day off from school to celebrate it?

-You know what is killing me? My little sister has a Britney Spears CD. and it is taking a lot of self-control not to pick that thing up and burry in the back yard.

-When I think of Nick, i think of Green Jello. and I don't know why!!!

-I was talking to this girl, and she was telling me about how it annoys her in the song "All Star" when they say "What's Wrong with taking the backstreets?". I can see what she means...you half-expect Brian to come in there and go "Hello!"

-Reading lyrics annoys me. I expcect them to write the whole thing out. like aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive

-My friend says that if you look at the pictures of Nick in the Millennium CD jacket, it looks like he has women's feet.

-I don't think I'm ready to survive solo albums from the boys. Its all I can do to make it through the night now.

-Why is it that when Millennium isn't #1 on Billboard, I am compelled to hate whoever is?

-I have an interesting theroy on Britney Spears. She says that ever since Britney was 10, she was soooo busy practicing singing, that she had no time to shop, so she's been wearing the same clothes ever since, and thats why they are so small

-I was just looking at the BSB milk ad, and it says junk about 15% of adult height is gained in teen years and thats why they drink so mcuh milk. Dude, this was done last year! The only one still a teen is Nick.

-The commercial for the 'NOW 3' CD had me ROTFLMAO. The announcer guy is going "The biggest name is pop music today...the backstreet boys...Britney Spears...Limp Bizkit.." LIMP BIZKIT??!?! Yeah, when they go pop hell freezes over

-Ok, I just saw the video for "Don't Say You Love Me" by M2M (off of the pokemon soundtrack). First of all, the song sucks and they sound like chipmunks.

-Justin, come on, baby blue?? Please people...only 8 year old little girls and expectant mothers like baby blue

-I wonder what the boys are gonna wear to the Grammy's this year. Let's just hope Nick remembers to comb his hair and AJ spares us another god-awful get-up like he wore last year.

- Hatemail is so damn fun.

-I have a new theroy on why AJ wears hat and sunglasses and changes his hair color all the time. I'll betcha he is an ex-con escaped from jail and he keeps changing his appearance so the cops won't catch on that he's not just some guy with bad taste in hats but a runaway mass murderer

-Mandy Moore is the mini-me version of Britney.

They failed in US a few years ago and had to go overseas! Now the only people who accept their "Music" are 12 year old teenybopper losers..

I took this picture last summer.
It's true.
  The rumor goes..:
They love EACHOTHER.. we've all heard rumors that they're gay.. and I'm just helping those rumors along a little.. my next door neighbor said Nick was gay, Lots of people think Brian is gay, I know Howie's gay..

you dont honestly think they're straight do you? (Hmm..Brian has a girlfreind? I wonder if she knows he's gay..)

You ever hear Nick say "Sexual"? He's NOT straight girls, I'm sorry

Having a nice conversation with a fan

Oh man I hate them.